Toppers Wedding Contest


1. PROMOTION PERIOD: The Toppers Wedding Contest (“Promotion”) will run from July 8, 2024 12:00 am Central Time (“CT”) through September 22, 2024 at 11:59 pm CT (“Promotion Period”). The Promotion is administered by the Toppers Pizza, Inc. (“Toppers” or “Administrator”).

2. AGREEMENT TO THE OFFICIAL RULES: By participating in the Promotion, all entrants fully and unconditionally agree to and accept these Official Rules and the decisions of the Administrator as final and binding in all matters related to the Promotion. Winning a prize (described below) is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.

3. HOW TO ENTER: To enter the Promotion, qualified entrants must during the Promotion Period complete all of the following:

a). Get married and have Toppers Pizza at their wedding ceremony or reception;

b). Share a photo or video from the wedding ceremony or reception that includes the married couple (entrant and their spouse) and Toppers Pizza on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, wherein the photo or video must not include any person other than the married couple, nor any trademarks, brand names, store fronts, or company names not owned by Topper’s; and

c). Tag Toppers Pizza in the shared photo or video on Instagram (, Tiktok (, or Facebook (

Duplicate account tagging will count for one entry. Toppers assumes no responsibility for incomplete, inaccurate, lost, mutilated, late, stolen, or misdirected entries.

4. ODDS: Odds of winning the prizes set forth in Section 6 of these Official Rules depends on the total number of eligible entries during the Promotion Period.

5. ELIGIBILITY: The Promotion is open only to individuals who, at the time of entry are participants in Toppers’ customer loyalty program, and are either 18 years of age or older, or have parental or guardian consent, and are residents of the United States, but not residents of New York, Rhode Island, or Florida. In addition, the following individuals are not eligible to enter this Promotion or claim a prize: (a) the employees, officers, directors, partners, equity holders, members and agents of Toppers or Toppers’ franchisees; (b) officers and employees of advertising, public relations, and sales promotion agencies employed by Toppers who are directly involved in the Promotion; (c) other contractors and agents of Toppers; and (d) any spouse, child, or family member residing as a member of the same household in the principal place of residence of any person designated in (a) through (c). This Promotion is void where prohibited by law.

6. PRIZES AND THE VALUE OF THE PRIZES: Each entrant in the Promotion is eligible to be selected to receive “Free Food for a Year” as defined herein. One (1) winner will be selected from the pool of eligible entries to receive the prize (“Prize Winner”), per month, for a total of three (3) months. Once a Prize Winner has been selected, that Prize Winner and their spouse will be removed from the pool of eligible entries. Each prize consists of “Free Food for a Year,” which means specifically one (1) complimentary order of either a single size Original Topperstix or a small Pizza, per calendar week on a rotating basis, for a period of Three hundred and sixty five days (365) days beginning the week of 09/23/2024. The approximate retail value of one single size order of Original Topperstix is seven $7.00 U.S. Dollars. The approximate retail value of a small pizza is $16.89. The total retail value of the prize will vary depending on the weekly choice of products, but has an approximate total maximum value of $621.14 (U.S. dollars).

The dates and times of the Promotion may be subject to change and cancellation. At the sole discretion of the Administrator, any comments made by a Prize Winner containing material that is inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous, or libelous may result in disqualification of the Prize Winner, resulting in a forfeiture of the prize. The Released Parties (defined below) will not be responsible for acts of God, acts of terrorism, civil disturbances, work stoppage, epidemic, pandemic, government directive, telecommunications or computer errors or failures, or any other natural disaster or occurrence outside their control that may cause the cancellation or postponement of the Promotion. The Released Parties will not be responsible for any loss, liability, or damage arising out of a Prize Winner’s acceptance or use of a prize.

7. PRIZE WINNER SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION: Each of the Prize Winners (Total of Three (3) across the promotion period) will be selected by Toppers from the pool of eligible entries to receive the prize based on the sole criteria of “the most creative presentation of Toppers Pizza in their photo or video.” Toppers will contact the potential Prize Winner via the social channel they posted the photo/video on before September 22, 2024 and provide instructions on how to claim the applicable prize (“Prize Notification”). A potential Prize Winner may be required to execute a prize claim form, confirm eligibility, and along with their spouse, submit to a confidential background check to confirm eligibility and help ensure that the use of any such persons in advertising or publicity for the Promotion will not reflect unfavorably on the Promotion, or the Administrator, as the Administrator may determine in its sole discretion. The potential Prize Winner will have forty-eight (48) hours after they are contacted to claim their prize. The Administrator will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of Prize Notification messages. If any potential Prize Winner does not respond to the Prize Notification within the time period herein or declines the prize for any reason, disqualification and prize forfeiture will result, and an alternate potential Prize Winner will be selected from the pool of eligible entries using the same criteria. The potential Prize Winner is subject to verification of identity and eligibility prior to the award of the prize.

8. GENERAL PRIZE RESTRICTIONS: Prizes are subject to availability and change. No substitution or cash redemption is allowed. The Administrator reserves the right to substitute the prize in whole or in part with other prizes of comparable or greater value, if the intended prize is not available for any reason, as determined by the Administrator in their sole discretion. This Promotion is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with Wisconsin law and is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Any and all taxes, including but not limited to federal, state, and local taxes, are the exclusive and sole responsibility of the Prize Winner. The Prize Winners will be required to provide his or her Social Security Number and appropriate tax documentation for tax reporting purposes. If required, the Administrator will file an IRS Form 1099 or similar document with the Internal Revenue Service for the fair market value of any prize.

9. PERMISSIONS: For purposes of preparing entries to this Promotion, Toppers will permit entrants to use Toppers Pizza’s name and trademarks in photos and videos submitted as entries for this Promotion. Toppers reserves all rights to enforce any unauthorized or infringing uses of its name or trademarks.

10. GENERAL CONDITIONS AND RELEASE: The Promotion is subject to applicable laws and regulations. By entering and/or claiming a prize, each entrant: (a) agrees to defend, indemnify, release, and hold harmless the Administrator, and its respective owners, parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, franchisees, directors, officers, agents, employees, managers, licensees, distributors, dealers, retailers, printers, representatives, advertising and promotion agencies, and any and all other companies associated with the Promotion, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, causes, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind that may occur, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, arising out of the entrant’s participation in this Promotion or receipt or use of any prizes, including, but not limited to: (i) unauthorized human intervention in the Promotion; (ii) technical errors related to computers, servers, providers, or telephone or network lines; (iii) printing errors; (iv) lost, late, postage-due, misdirected, or undeliverable mail; (v) errors in the administration of the Promotion or the processing of entries, including but not limited to data entry errors resulting from or caused by the entering, keying, or mis-keying of the required information by entrants; (vi) injury or damage to persons or property that may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Promotion or receipt or use of any prize; (vii) the unauthorized or illegal access to personally identifiable or sensitive information or the acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize or any travel or activity related to the receipt or use of any prize; (b) grants Administrator and each of its respective designees a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and fully licensable license to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, adapt, translate, archive, store, and create derivate works from entrant’s entry (including any images and videos) in whole or in part, in any form, format, or medium, of any kind now known or later developed; (c) consents to the use by the Administrator, and each of their respective designees of the Prize Winner’s name, hometown, photograph, voice, likenesses, and prize information for promotion, advertising, and marketing purposes in any media or format now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world, in perpetuity, without additional compensation, consideration, notification, or permission, unless prohibited by law, and upon request will provide written confirmation of such consent; and (d) ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NONE OF THE RELEASED PARTIES OR ANYONE ELSE HAS EITHER MADE, OR IS IN ANY MANNER RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR, ANY WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION, OR GUARANTEE, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR IN LAW, RELATIVE TO ANY PRIZE INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ITS QUALITY OR AVAILABILITY AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED IN THEIR ENTIRETY.

All personal information collected by Administrator during the Promotion may be used by the Administrator according to Toppers Privacy Policy at

No failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall constitute a waiver of that provision. These Official Rules may be modified for clarification purposes without materially affecting the terms and conditions of the Promotion. If for any reason the Promotion (or any portion thereof) is not capable of being executed as planned, or in the case of infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, action of entrants, technical failures, or any other causes that, in the opinion of the Administrator, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Promotion (or any portion thereof), the Administrator reserves the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any suspect entry or entrant and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Promotion (or any portion thereof). Any entrant that enters the Promotion via a fake account (e.g., bot account) will be disqualified. The Administrator reserves the right in their sole discretion to cancel the Promotion in its entirety if it becomes technically corrupted or because of non-authorized human intervention. In the event of any disqualification of a suspect entry or entrant, notice thereof will be posted and the determination of the Prize Winner will be made from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received as of the time of such disqualification, as the Administrator determines in their sole discretion. Entrants not complying with all rules are subject to disqualification. In the event of any termination, cancellation, or suspension, notice thereof will be posted on the Administrator’s website ( Prizes are not transferrable.

11. DECLARATION: Prize Winners and their spouses will be required to sign and return a Declaration of Eligibility, Release of Liability, and Assignment of Rights form (“the Form”) before they are eligible to receive the Prize. If any Prize Winner does not return the Form within forty- eight (48) hours after receipt, he or she will forfeit the Prize and an alternate Prize Winner may be selected.

12. APPLICABLE LAWS: All entrants agree to comply with and abide by all applicable laws, including administrative rules and regulations, instructions, conditions and final decisions of the Administrator and all procedures established by the Administrator for the Promotion. In the event of a conflict between these Official Rules and any summary, representation, or other restatement of rules appearing in any advertisement, point of sale material, or other media, these Official Rules shall govern.

13. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Except where prohibited by law, by entering and/or claiming a prize, entrants agree that in the event of a dispute concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, or enforceability of these Official Rules, the determination of the Administrator shall be final and binding. All issues and questions concerning the rights and obligations of participant(s) in relation to the Administrator and their agents shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law of any jurisdiction. Entrant agrees that any such action at law or in equity shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in Madison, Wisconsin, and entrant hereby consents and submits to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action. EXCEPT WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW, BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS PROMOTION, EACH ENTRANT AGREES THAT: (A) ANY AND ALL DISPUTES, CLAIMS, AND CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED WITH THIS PROMOTION, OR AWARDING OF THE PRIZES, SHALL BE RESOLVED INDIVIDUALLY, WITHOUT RESORT TO ANY FORM OF CLASS ACTION; AND (B) ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, JUDGMENTS, AND AWARDS SHALL BE LIMITED TO ACTUAL OUT-OF-POCKET COSTS INCURRED, INCLUDING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PARTICIPATING IN THIS PROMOTION BUT IN NO EVENT ATTORNEYS' FEES; AND (C) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY PARTICIPANT BE PERMITTED TO OBTAIN AWARDS FOR AND HEREBY WAIVES ALL RIGHTS TO CLAIM PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; ANY OTHER DAMAGES, OTHER THAN FOR ACTUAL OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES; AND ANY AND ALL RIGHTS TO HAVE DAMAGES MULTIPLIED OR OTHERWISE INCREASED. IN NO EVENT WILL TOPPER’S LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, EXCEED THE TOTAL RETAIL VALUE OF THE PRIZE AWARDED TO THE ENTRANT.

14. E-MAIL COMMUNICATION: By entering into this Promotion, entrants will have the option to sign up to receive e-mail communication from Toppers. Entrants will have the ability to unsubscribe from these e-mails upon receipt.

15. INFORMATION: For more information, please contact us at: Toppers Pizza, LLC., 333 W. Center Street, Whitewater, WI 53190; (262) 473-6666.